As part of the Horizon 2020 project netCommons, our district currency game was translated into English and further developed. Two international events took place in Amsterdam and Barcelona. The game provided interesting insights into the development of new local currencies. The netCommons project was carried out by an international consortium of four universities (London, Barcelona, Athens, Trento), a research laboratory (Paris) and our partner organisation NetHood (Zurich) and will now be completed by the end of 2018. The district currency game is described in detail in two project reports (Deliverables). These contain further exciting results from the area of complementary currency research and community networks.
Deliverable D2.4: Economic Sustainability of CNs (v1) Introducing Community Currencies Website des Projektes
Deliverable D2.6: Economic Sustainability of CNs (v2) Community Currencies for Community Networks Website des Projektes